What is your child's favourite story book?
Share your answer in the comment below. 14 x LUCKY WINNERS will walk away with a set of 14 sets Rasa Sayang Pocket + Tepuk Amai-Amai Pocket (SGD532) from baba baa. Join the contest here: https://community.theasianparent.com/contest/baba-baa-1111-giveaway/1717?lng=en
My 2 year old boy loves the storybook called Handa's Surprise 🥰
My son's favorite book is currently Baby's got the hiccups.
My son’s current favorite book is Three little pigs 😃
It is Red Riding Hood, She has red it many times,,,
English rhymes and lullabies! By Blue Ginger books
The Three Little Pigs The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Little Engine that could by Watty Piper
The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper
unicorns world the very hungry caterpillar
My child love the Dinosaur story books!