When do you clean your house? Learn 5 tips on keeping your home clean : https://sg.theasianparent.com/tips-on-keeping-a-clean-home-even-with-kids
When do you clean your house?
Learn 5 tips on keeping your home clean : <a href='https://sg.theasianparent.com/tips-on-keeping-a-clean-home-even-with-kids' target='_blank' >https://sg.theasianparent.com/tips-on-keeping-a-clean-home-even-with-kids</a>
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Once every few days
On the weekends
Others (Comment down below)

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After sending to LO to school come hm relex a while n start off to do the hse chores n then if got time nap a while then AS USUAL MOMMA MOMMA WHERE R U (Baby return hm) Fully occupied

Kitchen/Living Room daily, mopping once every two weeks. Slavebot vacuums daily.

Every day there are different things to do It’s never ending isn’t it

VIP Member

Afternoon once my baby go to bed .. I will finish all my chores

On the weekends mostly and a little bit everyday

Majority of the work is done in the morning

VIP Member

Usually on weekends when I have time

Cleaning done mostly on weekends

No time during the working week

Once a week in the morning