Can we start weaning before 6 months?

When baby shows these signs, it means he/she may be ready for solids: - baby Is hungry before the usual feed time - he/she dribbles and puts things in his or her mouth - baby can sit up with support - he/she shows an interest in your food Also, in certain cases such as infants who have not grown to the expected size or who lack iron (anaemic), they may be weaned earlier (between four and six months old). Here is an article on weaning that may be useful:
Read moreWHO recommends to start solids only 6 months or later to ensure that the baby's digestive system is ready to handle the food. I know of some mummies who start between 4-6 months. I guess it's your choice as well since it's your baby. You would know best whether your baby is ready to wean.
Starting solid after 6 months is recommended by WHO. I started solid for my daughter at 5 months when the PD said she was ready for it. The PD explained to me that simple purees is fine. She did not pressure me into starting solid and just let me decide if I wanted to.
One can wean off whenever one feels like, but it is recommended that one must breastfeed the baby for at least initial 6 months.
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It is highly recommended for babies to start solids only after 6 months of life. You can, since it's your baby, but I wouldn't.
Read moreIt is recommended to start solids only at 6 months. The first 6 months should be purely breastmilk.
You can start when baby is able sit up well as this is to prevent choking hazard.
I started at 5.5 months. Baby was already grabbing food :)