Fasting when pregnant in trimester 1
Can we fast during our 1st trimester of pregnancy?

If you’re in your first trimester, it is advisable not to fast because this is the stage where your fetus needs as much nutrients as she/he can get from you. Imagine eating at least 3 times a day and suddenly you just eat once a day, it’ll become a shock to your baby. Of course our fetus can live with one meal per day but the nutrients received will be much lesser as compared to 3 meals a day. In a Hadith by An Nasai, Ibnu Majah and Ahmad, Rasulullah SAW mentioned that Allah SWT has waived half the prayers and fasting for the traveller, the pregnant, and the breastfeeding mothers. I’m in my 2nd tri and I chose not to fast because I do not want to jeopardise my baby’s health. Just remember to puasa qadha and bayar fidyah before the next Ramadhan comes. Wallahu’alam.
Read moreHi there! I am at my 24 weeks and am trying out fasting for the first time since it is my first pregnancy. I have been given advices by those who have gone through it before and was told to listen to our bodies. As for mine, I will get a gastric attack if I get too hungry and that is a sign that I will look out for and I also believe that it is important for us to put our baby's well-being as priority. For your case, since you are still in the early stages, I would suggest that you not fast as the baby is still growing and developing and needs all the nutrients he/she can get. And with you throwing up is also a sign that your body's not getting the sufficient nutrients as required at this stage. Always remember that our baby's well-being is of priority at this moment.
Read moreHello... i am 13 weeks pregnant and i was contemplating abt fasting initially. tried to fast for the first day but my body tells me no. i am still having morning (or all day) sickness till now so i decided not to do it for the time being. worried for baby and my own health. if you cant do it, dont force yourself. think of 2 persons - baby and ourselves who is carrying the baby.
Read moreI'm 19 weeks pregnant and was fasting yesterday. Felt slightly different than usual but had a nap and everything felt better. lol. I think I wouldn't be able to fast in my first trimester either. Felt queasy whenever the slightest bit hungry. So I totally understand where you're coming from. Please don't force yourself if you can't.
Read moreUpdate: I just broke my fast today cos felt too uncomfortable. the best thing to do is listen to your body's cues. take one day at a time. if you're dehydrated, it affects amniotic fluid. with that said,I'll try again tomorrow keeping in mind to drink more during sahur this time. All the best!
Hi! I'm 11 weeks and I don't fast cause if I get too hungry I will feel nausea and wanna vomit. Take things slow and listen to your body. If you can fast, if you can't it's okay. Don't need to feel guilty. Islam is a reasonable and practical religion. Ramadan Kareem!

If you don’t feel good, I’d suggest not too fast. Whatever stage of pregnancy you are in, if your health permits you can fast. But from what you describe, I’d suggest not to fast for the time being for your baby’s well being as well as yours..
Actually I'm pregnant when during the fasting last year 😅 didn't realize it no side effects.. Alhamdullilah tat month quite strong my kandungan.. Half day.. if really craving just break the fast .. no pressure :)
Actually i read somewhere its better not to fast if ure on medication? Unless ure not... but it depends on individual body.. im on duphaston 3 times a day, I skip fasting and decide to payback...
Hehe noted.. will do that.. thankyouu once again! 🥰
better not. cause the baby is still small. im in my third trimester and i am still fasting, alhamdullilah but if in my first trimester, i dont think i will fast cause your baby needs nutrients to grow
If you can and would like to, fast. If you cannot, then don't. You should know your body best. No right or wrong answer here. Do whats best for you. Snippet from MUIS SG.

Got a bun in the oven