exercise when pregnant

Can pregnant mums continue to run? I need some exercise and fresh air!

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absolutely! I was exercising until 1 day before I delivered my son. just don't run, or jump. I did brisk walks, non-jarring cardio, and light weights. please carry on with your active life 😍

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If your body used to before your pregnancy, you can try to run but always listen to your body, not to force your energy too much. If you arent used to running, you may want to do some lighter exercise.

Yes! Here is Alysa Montano running the marathon at the height of her pregnancy....But she has taken medical advice. Whatever you do, speak to your doc.

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yes but as soon as your body is trying to tell you to stop then stop take a break and when you are ready to start again then go for it

Ask for doctor advice please.as we here dont know what type of complication u might have, ask for doctor approval before you continue to run.


Walking would be better, pilates and swimming are great for your body. It helped with my recovery and felt great when I was pregnant.

As long as you were a regular runner before the pregnancy. If you're unsure though, I would check with your doctor just to be safe.


I stopped running, although it's not entirely bad to run. Just take it a bit easier than you would if you were not pregnant.

yes. stretching and yoga. mas makakabuti po yung nakakapag easy workout para d mhrapan managanak at mamanas.