Polio Vaccines

This calls for a celebration!🥳 We're very happy that finally the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the end of the polio outbreak in the Philippines. Our country is now polio-free, almost two years after the Philippine health authorities announced a polio outbreak in September 2019. Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is a highly infectious disease that mainly affects young children, who have not completed their vaccination schedules. The disease is transmitted from person-to-person primarily through the faecal-to-oral route resulting from poor sanitation and hygiene practices, and less frequently through contaminated food or water. Once in the intestine, the poliovirus multiplies and it can invade the nervous system and cause paralysis or even death. The polio vaccine is the best way to protect against polio. The discovery and formulation of the oral polio vaccine has saved millions of lives throughout the years across the world. The IPV protects against polio type 1 and 3 and outbreaks of wild or vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 while the OPV is effective only against the wild poliovirus.  Both IPV and OPV have been proven to save lives. Getting vaccinated will ensure that your family is protected from vaccine-preventable diseases. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well. Ask your doctor or health provider for more information. We at the Team Bakunanay Community highly encourage families to get their children vaccinated. Join our Facebook group now to get the right information about vaccination https://www.facebook.com/groups/bakunanay ___________________________________ @theasianparent_ph @vipparentsph #TeamBakuNanay #ProudtobeABakuNanay #AllAboutBakuna #Bakuna #immunizations #vaccine #vaccination #polio #opv #ipv #HealthierPhilippines #VaccinesWorkforAll

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