3yo don't ask questions

My boy who just turned 3yo last month doesn't ask question and doesn't answer my question. He doesn't really know how to say what he wants too. Instead he will pull me to the object of interest. Isn't normal? He can says lot of words, 2 words sentence, make lot sounds, memories books/videos and says them out afterwards. He interacts with others like normal kids. What condition do you call this?

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Some of them are slow in hitting the milestones, but if he is saying two-word sentences and has a reasonable vocab, you shouldn't be concerned. Can check with your PD on your next visit, if it is bothering you that much.

try speaking to your PD? but doesnt seem like a condition...maybe can just model asking questions when you're talking to him? some kids just need abit more time

No idea if this is an actual condition if he does have a decent vocabulary. Have you spoken to your PD about this?


hope u have spoken to a doctor regarding this? I was overly concerned & it turned out otherwise in the end

2y ago

may I know how old is your son now. teacher told me my son probably has mild autism. he hasn't said any words to teacher after 3days of school