Tummy-friendly Milk
My boy is turning 2 next month and I think it's time for our transition from breastmilk to fm. Any recommendation on what brand is good for tummy cos he is often constipated and have a hard time pooping. Thanks in advance, Mums and Dads!

Yes definitely Friso for formula milk and I also recommend that he tries their cereal as well on some days when he’s not eating well? My girl gets constipated often as she’s not eating properly and Friso’s rice based milk cereal is actually a lifesaver for me! On days where she doesn’t want to eat home cooked food, for some reason she still takes to their cereal which helps in her digestion, resulting in good poop! 😄 They’re actually having a promo for it on their site, here’s the link! https://shop.friso.com.sg/collections/cereal Hope this helps! 💗
Read moreIf you're not sure try the different samples of FM just in case your child does not like the taste of it? I heard friso gold is giving out sample (https://www.friso.com.sg/friso-gold and) they also have a shared a Bristol stool chart to help guide us mamas on how to look out for good and bad poops! Friso FB page: https://www.facebook.com/151414384691/posts/10159772663359692/ Remember to hydrate with sufficient amount of water intake too!
Read moreWill ask for samples! Thank you!☺️
I'm giving Friso Gold and so far throughout the years, I don't really have experience with my girl having constipation problem and she is 6 years old already. You can request for sample first and give it a try! https://www.friso.com.sg/samples
Read moreHeard so many good things about this brand. Will ask for samples now! Thanks!☺️
Friso Gold Stage 3 Growing Up Milk ❤️ Good for little tummies. Do check Friso FB out for great promo :) https://www.facebook.com/Frisosingapore/
Thank you! Will check it and hope he likes it ☺️
Mummy to Jack & Jill