my boy just turn 7mo today but he is still not interested in weaning. tried blw and spoon feeding, yet he still spit them out and push away. should I be concern? will still continue to keep trying thou.. he's currently still fully breastfed.

Totally agree with Yuna. And just wanna let you know you're not alone, I tried starting solids since my lo was 6mo, he's now 9mo and still refuses all forms of it. Blw, purée, cereal. He wants none of it. I read up and know some babies start very late but for peace of mind and to see if he needed any supplements, I brought him to the PD but he assured me that it's normal and it can take as long as 1yo before some babies accept solids. He just gave some iron and multivites and told me to keep trying once every few days. My lo is still refusing but otherwise he's growing well in all aspects. Meanwhile just need to have lots of patience and press on! :)
Read moreDid you tried different texture, taste (more flavour like more sweet). My LO don't like puree but more solid texture. What about snacks? Is he interested in snacks? Sometimes some LO eat snacks but not meals, mean they are picky instead of not interested. Hence have to keep intro them fruits. If can, let them BLW, let them play with the food while they get to taste them as LO this age like to put things in their mouth too. Once they feel the taste, soon they may get interest.
Read moreJia you mummy! Hope ur baby start eating sooner or later!
Weaning is a gradual process so over the next few months, your baby will continue to get most of what he needs from his usual milk, in this case your breastmilk. Don't feel you have to rush your baby into starting solids. Maybe baby is still full from milk when you tried feeding baby solids? As long as baby is putting on weight, baby will be fine. If baby isnt interrsted now, you can pause for a while and try solids again in a week or two to see if baby is more interested.
Read morethanks babe for the reassurance :)
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