My boy is 7 months old. He is down with flu with a lot of mucus in his nose. No idea how to make him blow his nose. He seems uncomfortable breathing with the mucus in the nose. Any idea how to agitate the mucus out from him.

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You might wanna use something like this to suck out the mucus. This can be bought in some NTUC or kiddy palace or baby shops. At this age, they definitely dont know how to blow it out. If it gets really bad, you can go to the pd and they can suck it out for you. They use a machine to do it.

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Try suction bulb to draw out the phlegm. Olbas oil baby helps clear breathing. Just dab a little on his shirt in the mornings and dab a little on his pillow at night. These are temporary measures. Best to see your pediatrician

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Maybe you can try running a humidifier in your baby’s room while they sleep to help loosen mucus. Or using nasal saline drops; putting one or two drops of saline in the nose can help loosen mucus.

U can try this nasal spray Sterimar for infants, use it to cleanse or moisten the mucus, then use the nasal aspirator as suggested by the other mummy to "suck" the mucus out

I use nosefrida together with sterimar spray. U can get nosefrida from mothercare or online pupsik. I find it is better than bulb syringe and pigeon aspirator.

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My PD give me sterimar, you can get it at Guardian etc, get the baby version.

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Get nasal spray from e pd. He'll feel much better(: