155 Balas

from my experience i had 2 weeks of teribble cough. i didnt know i was pregnant at that time. tge doctor gave me similiar meds. the next thing i know i had a miscarriage at 6weeks. from then on im too traumatized to take any meds. a month after that i got sick again. same symptoms.being paranoid and scared i didnt take anything except for gatorade and strepsils. and then i found out i was 2 weeks pregnant. and now im in my 20th week. my point is follow ur instinct. if u can avoid then do so. even if u have a bad headache its much better u get rest then take meds which might harm ur unborn child

Wassalam . Panadol atau nama scientificnya paracetamol boleh dimakan ketika mengandung . Dosnya 500mg dan 1 biji 3 kali sehari jika perlu . Khas untuk tahan sakit dan demam . Tetapi jika sakit sendi, pinggang dan badan terlalu kuat . Ada lagi satu nama NORGESIC TAB 550 MG dalamnya mengandungi paracetamol 500mg dan ophernadine 50mg . Saya ambil norgesic sekarang sebab pinggang sakit sangat . Tapi kena refer dengan Doktor dulu ye .

usually panadol is okay..but of course try to reduce as much as possible...i seen some of my doctors prescribed to pregnant woman but only to take when necessary...as for other medications like flu and cough...usually the obstetrician will prescribe those that are safe for pregnant woman...sometimes...it is even written on the packaging saying if is safe or not for preggy.

Sama la.. Alami semua tu minggu lepas.. Sakit kepala yg teramat sgt dan demam smpai nak jln pn huyung hayang.. Hari kedua demam terus pergi emergency tp check temperature normal pula. Cuma kepala masih rasa berat dan sgt pening.. Doktor ckp perkara biasa utk sesetengah ibu yg 1st time pregnant.. Dia bg paracetamol sbb itu la ubat yg paling save utk ibu mengandung yg mengalami demam..

im 32 weeks n still having flu for a week. on the 2nd n 3rd day, i got my nose bleed too. the doctor tell me its okay to have medicine (tab loratadine 10mg) .. but i only consume it once.😅😅.. since I really cant endure it. running nose, blocked and even too much sneezing.. i just took more water and its getting better even im not 100% get rid of it.

sy ms ml2 mngdg skit kpla sgt smpi xleh bgn..xleh thn smpi mnngs...tp sy x amek pndl pn..wlpn diorg ckp slmt..sy risau..so just sy tuamkn dgn ais pad..n cb brtenang picit2 kpla slwt..alhamdulillah hilng.. sbb x aml pndl sy tau skit kpla ni akn dtg smla wlpn dh amek pndl sbb ni alhn mngdg...sis klu xthn ambil pndl yg doc bg khs utk ibu hmil ye..jgn bl sdri dpsrn..

i had flu last week, went to the doctor and he gave me paracetamol, cough syrup and flu meds. i told him i was pregnant and he said it is ok. i however did not take they meds despite my research reading and asking if it is ok (which some people said is ok) i rid the flu by drinking 2-3 litres in two days and the flu went off ! im just skeptical about meds.

i also have flu past 3 week. doctor gave me flu medicine. but my mom said dont consume it, afraid it will effect my baby. and my cousin also have flu last several week, but she went another hospital but the doctor dont gave any medicine. the doctor asked her to admit hospital until my cousin 100% well.

Hai mommy semua. Ptg tadi sy gi klinik. Alhamdulillah saya tak demam 😊, maybe badan rasa panas2 sbb faktor cuaca skrg dan jerebu. Doktor inform all pregnant mom boleh makan paracetamol. Cuma ubat batuk dan selsema je ada certain ubat yg boleh. Better dapatkan nasihay doktor. Keep hydrate ya all mommies! 🤗 *warm hugs*

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penadol bkn la xbole mkn mse preggy sbenr ny sis cume nk tau lebih baik sis reffer doc . sbb penadol pon mcm2 dos . kita xtau ap kesan pd janin nt . d tmbh sekrg ni mcm2 jenis penadol trjual d kedai . jika xsehat smase preggy lebih baik check shje d Kk brdekatan . nt doc akn bg ubt yg lebih sesuai tok mommy preggy .

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