9 months old baby meal
Hi, besides milk and porridge, what other things can we feed/cook for them?

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lots of possibilities! meat patties with Vege, meatballs, steam or baked chicken/fish, soft rice, noodles/pasta, minced Beef sauce which you can serve with any carbs, home made pancakes (use 1 banana and 1 egg).
i started giving rice to my boy around that time already. if you wanted the rice to be easier to digest, either put slightly more water when cooking or you could choose pearl rice when cooking.
i made pasta. mac and cheese also soft rice with tofu. or mix soft ric with spinach. fish.. as long the food is soft for baby to swallow. its fine. now my baby is 14mnths.. shes having rice😜😜
You can give Heinz Star pasta, misua, soft bread,.. make a pork/chicken/beef broth can add in vegetables to it. , you can give fish, tofu,.
baby mee sua, turnip soup, lotus root soup, abc soup, tomato fried egg, tofu, edamame beans, pearl rice (easy digestion)
Marcoroni soup Pancakes Pasta with meat sauce or blended pumpkin sauce or cheese Soft rice with soup Vegetables patties
Read morelotus soup, steamed n mashed carrots/fish/eggs/tofu, will also let them try 2-3 teaspoons of mashed banana n papaya.
Fruits and vegetables. You could start with bananas, avacado, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes etc.
you can venture on more food. they start to develop on chewing skill already.
Mother of 1 beautiful girl