Essential Oils
Do any of you believe in the benefits of essential oils to aid in nasal congestions, tummy problems, boosting of immunity? Can you recommend some brands please?

For immunity wise, I'm using lemon diluted with carrier oil too. Although is MLM, but personally I feel it depends on what you believe.. If you beilieve essential oils works, no matter what brand (of cos reputable) it will work. Don't get synthetic non therapeutic.. And your uoline is V V important too. The correct grp of people to guide you what is safe way to use on baby. Definitely no direct. To me, it's just like weather your beilieve TCM more or are you the western freak. Only beilieve eat western medicine can cure, eat TCM no feeling. Ya.. So.. Follow your heart. I'm not selling you. But really a good uoline is important, choose your grp wisely. I have a quite a good grp that can teach you how to use EO with special need child, for beauty, for general grp also have. And the grp i know is well know responsible and trustable upline.
Read moreMany of my mummy friends are into essential oils & most of them are using Young Living. But they can be a tad expensive. Can try peppermint for stuffy nose. You just need to be extra careful when using it on LO cause some oils may not be suitable or cannot be applied directly on them. There are also alot of upcoming and new brands in the market, you can check them out during the bigger babyfairs.
Read moreBenefits of essential oils vary among individuals, since there are some who are more sensitive and prone to allergies than others. Personally, I find tea tree oil useful to ward off garden pest when gardening. Received DoTerra as a gift and it's fabulous [available at Suntec City] Here is a link where you can find out more:
Read moreI'm using yl.. Yes I believe in them because whoever my baby has jab I will apply them (pre dilute with carrier oil) apply on her feet before and after jab. And so far no fever AT ALL for the times I apply.. Once my girl had Colic. I also use yl essential oil with dilute ration and applying on her everyday, her Colic GONE, Since than I have been applying for many month.
Read moreI do believe bcoz it really helped. My boy always hyperactive at night and we had difficulties putting him to sleep. So we started to invest in YL essential oils and since then he able to sleep through the night. And I started using Essentially Oils, those customised blends are suitable for my baby. And it saves my time to dilute the essential oils by my own.
Read moreI’ve been using balms instead of oils and I recommend using Inara Organics. You can find it in Instagram @inara.organics. My 8month old son has been using this since he was a newborn and those digestive, immunity support, chest rub and sleepy balm really help and benefit him. Hope this helps!
Heard of many parents claiming benefits of EO but did not try on the kids.. as there are some oils that cannot be used on too young kids, and some are more sensitive to certain oils, etc. Young Living, Dottera are the common brands we heard...
I did use Young Living essential oils given by a friend. Seems not bad... But too expensive to continue!
Somewhat. To relieve nasal congestions, I use euky bear sniffly nose room spray for convenience.
never use before. not sure will help anot. will follow this post for recommendation too