2 Balas

Maksudnya Baby A (single fetus) and kalau twins akan ada Baby A and Baby B. To detect twins, kena tunggu at least bila ibu pregnant 10 to 12 weeks earliest or latest also 16 weeks depends. Next time, bila ibu pergi check up for scanning and health check, ibu kena banyak bertanya kat doctor ya, jangan segan😊

Jangan risau, doctor x kan makan you 🤣, beranikan diri and tanya okay sebab kita especially first time pregnant banyak soalan kat minda and curious juga risau so kita mesti tanya for our self satisfaction. Lagi satu tips, each check up make sure you tanya doctor uri (placenta) you at the right position or not and kuantiti air ketuban, ni pun penting just to make sure we don't overlooked.


Masa doktor scan sis nmpak 2 baby ke? Mcm sy dlu kembar tk seiras mmg separate amniotic sacs yg jelas kalau mcmni susah nk detect

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