8 Replies

Hi, Do not worry, it happens sometimes if the shape doesn't suit the baby. I suggest, massage your baby very very lightly for a minute or so with coconut oil. And change the shampoo. Go for some organic shampoo or make one at home for him. This will you will be sure what your are applying on his scalp and it will definitely be free of chemicals. This is how you can make your own shampoo for the baby. Ingredients 1.5 cups liquid unscented castile soap 4 tbsp vegetable glycerin 1-2 tsp almond oil, fractionated coconut oil or favorite carrier oil 1 tsp aloe vera juice 10 drops essential oil 1-2 tbsp filtered or distilled water Instructions In a 16 oz pump bottle, add castile soap, vegetable glycerin, carrier oil, essential oils and aloe vera juice. Top with distilled or filtered water. Replace lid, and shake vigorously for a few minutes and it is ready to use.

Thank you for the reply

Hi... That us strange fir a 4 month baby to have a hair fall. I think you should consult with your PD but at the same time check his scalp for any infection or dermatitis or may be can check the shampoo you are using for hair wash. Ut may be containing chemicals that might be acting too hard on his skin.

I read at internet and it says its normal but i want to hear real experience from mommies. Thanks for the reply!

Have you checked the brand of shampoo you're using? My baby girl started to have hair fall when she was around 3-4 months also. I figured out it was her shampoo. I changed it to a milder one and the hair fall stopped after a week.

I used cetaphil and oatmeal alternatively.

According to my pedia, it's normal. She told me when my baby was around two months old that her hair may fall off when she reached 3 months and I shouldn't be worried.

I read at internet and it says its normal but i want to hear real experience from mommies. Thanks for the reply!

Yes, it's normal. My pedia warned me about it so I didn't panic when my daughter's hair started to fall off. It happened when she's around 3 months old.

Same with my baby. that's why we switched to a new brand. I think it's the shampoo you're using.

I read at internet and it says its normal but i want to hear real experience from mommies. Thanks for the reply!

That's still a Lanugo Hair sis. It will eventually fall off talaga.
