Baby special care unit KKH

hi. my baby was put in the special care unit right after giving birth. while i was in the hospital i manage to give him my colostrum but now that im discharged, is it still possible to give my baby if i pumped at home? do they accept it or ?

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yes definitely u can as your case is same like me back then after giving birth my son was put in the special care unit for 1month and everyday i will send my ebm to the hospital.. if i turn up late the nurses will call me and asked wheter i will be coming to send my ebm or not😄

Please!! Let them know you pumped or else they will overlook and give formula instead like what happened to me bcs baby had issues. Ask them what is the best time to send pumped milk bcs they have their schedule when they thaw it to feed.

Yes definitely you can! Doing that only.. Everyday you can come and give it to the nurses

Heard from my friend, it’s a yes


