Bad diaper rash

My baby girl who currently 5 month plus has been like this since she 2 months old. I try inara soothie woodie, desitin blue and purple. Its just get worse. Seen PD, he only told me to put barrier cream. I afraid she get older, her butt will look like this forever.

Bad diaper rash
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wash with water . pat dry. put some cream(like nappy cream -can be prescribed - let cream dry then put diaper.

Pls, use warm water to clean as for girls more prone to rashes


try qv diaper cream it works for my sensitive butt girl

Do u use wetwipes? Try using warm water to wipe instead

3y ago

yes I use pigeon wet wipes

Try using mustela barrier cream

try using drapolene or ebm

try product shaklee..herb blend

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3y ago

where to buy this?

try using drapolene.