Any good 11.11 deals?
Baby due in feb, i've bought nothing so far. Any recommendations?
Have babyfair at Expo on 10-12 Jan. You can see if any good deals there. I’m going for that. My EDD is Jun but I Super kiasu. Pre-ordered Doona Car Seat Stroller to collect at the expo as it seemed like a good deal.
Read moreLast time I went babyfair I hoot breastpump/sterilizer/playpen in a bundle! Easy. For newborn diapers no need to stock alot cos easy to outgrow them. Swaddles/baby bath tub/changing mat..actually just google new mum’s checklist. Definitely u dun need every single item stated but at least it gives u a good direction.
Read moreMaternity and nursing bras, baby clothes, nursing dresses. I bought loads of those during the last 11.11 as it was so cheap
I always get lazada and shopee surprise boxes they are usually good deal. And lots and lots of diapers and wet wipes!
Hy Jan kas ho
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