My baby currently 11 months. I'm facing problem that she won't allow me to clean a mouth & teeth. As she always shut her mouth tightly . Previously it's okie as I'm using thin cloth to clean her tongue and gum. Anyone can share their experiences with me and recommendation ? Thanks

My son hated brushing teeth too. At 11mo it’s hard to clean well with cloth and if they bite down it’s pretty painful- so we used Finger toothbrush eg. Dr browns or a baby toothbrush. Also Sing ‘if all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops’ song cos there’s a part where it goes ‘ah ah ah ah…’ just persist! They will outgrow the defiance and eventually accept that brushing teeth is a part of life!
Read moreI don't know if it's ideal but a friend of mine shared that she would clean her baby's mouth and teeth when baby is napping. She'd wait till baby's last few minutes of nap time and do the necessary. That way, if baby wakes up, atleast baby would have had almost sufficient sleep. She also trims her baby's nails when baby is napping. Hahaha. She says that doing these "arduous" tasks are much more easier when baby is not awake.
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Me too but I teACH him to say AH, and he will mimik me to ah and open his mouth then I faster wipe. Like playing with him. So far it works for Me
Thanks it's works with the 'Ah'
Mother of 1 fun loving princess