My baby is 8.5 months old and from thr last 3 months....he wakes up many times in night crying out . After feeding him he still wakes up after sometime.

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Hi, This is natural for babies to have an erratic sleep till they turn two, when they start forming set schedule of sleep. These are the months when baby is in his highest developmental phase. He is teething, learning to crawl, hearing and trying to grasp so many new words that are spoken, so basically his mind and body is working like crazy and it is but natural that this fatigue will affect his sleep. But, do not be worried, this is just a phase and with time, your baby will form his sleeping pattern, and what more, he will adapt to yours sleeping schedule. It is just a phase and you got to be little patient and let this phase pass on. All you can do to assist his sleeping is, pat him when he wakes up, feed him or sing a lullaby so that he goes back to sleep. His disturbed sleeping is just a matter of time, and it will be fine on its own. Make sure that you feed him well before putting him to bed as sometimes babies wake up because of hunger as well.

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8y ago

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