Yes i do face this problem too and i think it's rather common as some of my friends's infants are like that too. Night terrors may occur due to several reasons like not getting enough sleep, being overtired when going to bed, having upset stomach or breathing problems or some bad experience during the day or unknown reasons. For me, i just try to: Try to keep consistent time for bed and naps will help to regulate her sleep patterns. Set up some sorts of bedtime routine like playing some music, reading her a bedtime story, giving her her a gently massage or giving a warm bath if necessary Since your baby is not fully awake during night terror, he will not acknowledge your presence hence when your baby wakes up after having a nightmare, you can try to soothe or latch her to calm her down. I think it takes awhile for them to sleep throughout. So we just have to be patient and wait for this day. My child is 2 yr plus now and at time she still faces this problem. So we just have to be patient to wait for this day to be over.
It's quite common for babies at that age to be having such sleep disruptions. It could be due to growth spurt or teething. You can see if your baby is displaying any of these other signs that are commonly associated with teething: - irritability or fussiness - drooling (could lead to facial rash) - gum swelling and sensitivity - gnawing or chewing behaviour - refusing food Take care! Hope you can get some rest too!
It's normal. I'm also facing the same with my son. Just try to comfort him by tapping on his back or carry him for a while. Slowly try to teach self soothing like maintain the bedtime routene, bath before bedtime, let him sleep in same bed in same room daily. So that he will get used to that.
jus my opinion but i think nothing to worry about. most likely he is teething and its abit bothering his sleep. my 11mth boy is still waking up on some nights as well but we will jus pat him and on some smoothing music for him. if not then let him flip and turn till he happy ba.
May I ask how is he falling asleep in the first place? If he is being latched to sleep during bedtime then chances are when he wakes up from one of his sleep cycles he will also need to be latched to help him fall back to sleep.
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You need to teach him the art of self settling so that he can resettle on his own when he wakes up from one of his sleep cycles. That's the only way he can sleep through the night.
Hi how to teach?
Huiting Ashlyn