
Hi my baby is 3 months old and he really really loves to laugh alot. I don't see alot of laughing 3 months old baby, most of them quite grumpy. Is this normal?

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Starting between 6 and 8 weeks of life, babies develop a "social smile" -- an intentional gesture of warmth meant just for you. This is an important milestone. Your pediatrician will ask you whether you've seen your baby's grin at her two-month well child visit.


Babies have different disposition. Some are just naturally more cheerful and bubbly than others. Some naturally attract people to them with their cuteness : )

VIP Member

My baby is 3 months and laugh a lot too, smiling all the time. I don't see any problem with that. It's normal

My baby smile a lot too! He even smile/laugh when he is half asleep which idk is it normal too 🤔

It’s normal! My 3 month old baby loves to smile and laugh too. It’s infectious!

Don’t worry too much it’s normal and might change. Enjoy his laughters! :)

VIP Member

Lucky u .. u hv a happy baby , don’t think negatively just njoy the phase

Super Mum

Hahaha... you’re blessed to have a happy baby! It’s a good thing.

VIP Member

So cute and bubbly, why is that worrying! Enjoy motherhood my dear

Its all normal dear! Should be happy that you got a bubbly bub!