Increase birth weight of baby 👶🏻
My baby is 2.3kg at 36 weeks drs are concerned abt low birth weight. What can I eat to increase weight of baby?

durian, soya bean works too. don't stress too much on baby's weight. my first born doctor estimate 2.187kg at 35 weeks, but born at 3.065kg. now, i am pregnant with my second one, was told baby is 2.890kg at 36 weeks.
my gynae recommended me to drink Glucerna for thrice a day. My baby's birth weight became 2.777kg at birth and was also 2.3kg at week 36. I think it worked for me definitely
ooh thanks!
My baby was born 35w at 2.3kg and she is all fine heeeee don't be surprised bby put on weight soon
where u give birth
Eat avocado, durian! I occasionally eat fast food as well 😋
I just ordered durians today 😂 desperate alr
Drink ensure milk , can be found at guardian
ok gd idea!
eat lots of bread , helps to gain weight
ok shall try!
ask doctor to priscrip asprin for u
but meds cannot anyhow take lei
avocado is a good choice
ok shall buy more!
Protein food
so true!
Maternal milk
taking everyday now!