Hello, You can of course stop breastfeeding him, but why do that if you still getting milk and also that your baby is not that too big. But, yes, you can minimise the number of feeds, perhaps as it will eventually help in weaning. Because when you will minimise the number of feedings he will not be that dependent on your feeds and will get used to less latching. And eventually you can decrease the time of feed too. Like if you are feeding him for 5 minutes decrease it to 3 minutes then 2 minutes. Eventually he will stop having your breastfeed.
yes you can, but it is always best to see if you can stretch it till the year. once you decide to stop breastfeeding, don't do so suddenly. instead, make it a gradual process of weaning. increase the quantity of other foods that she has, and slowly bring down the number of times you feed her. gradually she will stop herself.
Yes, you can stop breastfeeding now. I mean you can start the process of weaning which will take a few months and less if you lucky. Babies find comfort in latching to the mother and even if they are not hungry they latch on to feel comforted....so, go easy and go ahead
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Yes, you can gradually stop breastfeeding at 11 months. Start by replacing breastfeeding sessions with formula or solid foods. https://realcornor.com/....