3 Replies

it is absolutely fine if your baby had milk till now and has now stopped. if she is okay to have even a little breastmilk, that is enough. else you don't really need to force her for milk, as there are various other sources of nutrition. you can now focus more on her solids. start adding foods such as potatoes, bananas, ragi, mangoes, dairy products such as butter, cheese, paneer, ghee, as well as eggs to her diet. if you eat non-veg, this is also the time to introduce chicken to your baby. all these foods are great for your baby's overall nutrition and weight.

If your baby isn't gaining enough weight, feed her solid foods first, followed by formula or breast milk. Foods like banana, potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, moong dal, urad dal, ghee, ragi, yogurt, cheese, eggs and milk help the baby to gain weight. Allow the baby to crawl freely, do not restrict your babies to prams or rocking chairs. Being physically active helps babies feel hungry in time. They are less fussy and eat or drink well.

even if your baby is not interested in milk, it is fine. but you will have to concentrate more on increasing her solid intake now. try and feed her while she is busy, so that she at least eats. you can try a mix of finger foods that she will love eating on her own. also, add more healthy ingredients such as dalia, ragi, dals and such to her daily diet.

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