5 Replies

Hi hi for new born verrrry very normal to feed on demand ! Not all babies stick to every 3hours. I remember mine i had to feed every 1.5hour😭 i think right you can just continue feeding the normal intake even for every 2hours instead of lesser amount. Meaning 90-100ml every 2 hours. Which is fine. Rheres no such thing as overfeeding cause baby will reject once theyre full or will consistently keep vomitting merlion. How much to feed baby is depends on baby itself.

Hi mummy. I’m in the same boat as you. My LO is currently 1 month and is drinking 90ml every 1.5 to 2hrs in both day and night. I just feed him on demand. But do read your baby’s queues as well. He might not finish the full bottle at times and that’s normal.


if BM, it mostly feed on demand... if FM, can follow recommendations on tin... really trial & error as each baby can b v different... all the best

Is yours drinking breast milk or formula milk? For breast milk maybe need to feed more often

My baby is 2.5 months old and I’m feeding him 90ml every 2.5-3 hours. He weighs 6.5kg now

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