Asking for a friend who is trying for her first baby: what is the best way to measure ovulation?

You can purchase clearblue digital ovulation test kits. It will tell you (using indicator of smiley face/no face) when is the best 2 days to intercourse during LH surges, i.e. most fertile period. So far, I have 2 friends who used this ovulation kits and managed to conceive in short period. This is more expensive than ovulation strips but they are far more accurate than strips one. If your mense is quite regular, you can purchase 7-test kits set instead of 20-test kits set. There another device which is more advanced is clearblue digital monitor which costs more than $300. This is more accurate as it will help you to plot a graph and identify the best time to intercourse to increase the chance of getting pregnant. I have used this one and successfully conceived my second baby after 1 cycle of tracking only.
Read moreTo add on to what the ladies have suggested, you can also keep a lookout for changes in your discharge. During the time of ovulation, the vagina’s mucus is usually clear, slick and slippery with the consistency similar to that of an egg white. Another way is to keep a record of your basal body temperature every day before you get out of bed. You will need to purchase a special basal body temperature thermometer. Once ovulation has occurred, you should notice that your BBT would rise by about half a degree Celsius. However, this method is only useful in helping you note down your ovulation cycle because the change in temperature takes place only after ovulation. Therefore, you would have missed the most fertile period if you wait till raise in BBT.
Read moreI'd say the most convenient and hassle free way would be ovulation predictor kits (OPKs). OPKs are able to pinpoint your date of ovulation 12 to 24 hours in advance by looking at levels of luteinizing hormone, or LH, which is the last of the hormones to hit its peak before ovulation actually occurs. All you have to do is pee on a stick and wait for the indicator to tell you whether you're about to ovulate.
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Another alternative but "leceh" way to keep tracking of your ovulation dates is to track your period dates. You are most fertile 12 to 14 days before your period starts, and that is when your egg is release. Your egg can only live from about 12 to 24 hours, and your husband's sperm can last about 5 days in you.
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