Are there any ayurvedic essential oils that help in improving sleep quality?

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There are many Ayurvedic recommendations for getting a good night sleep. Ayurveda is a lifestyle, not a pill or a potion and it’s never a one fit all solution. Causes of poor sleep are classified as either vata or pitta in nature. Vata poor sleep is characterized by, light, fitful sleep habits - often waking up sporadically throughout the night; whereas, pitta poor sleep is characterized by difficulty falling asleep - a mind that will not stop. In both cases, however evening abhyanga (self massage) using the Sleep Easy formula made by Banyan Botanicals, as well as, melatonin a 1/2 an hour before bedtime, a sleep mask, plus lavender essential oil in an aromatherapy diffuser, are all recommended for either -or- any sleep condition.

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Essential oils of rose, lavender and sandalwood are relaxing and calming and can help promote rejuvenating sleep. You can purchase essential oils from

Use herbal oils to massages on your feet improves your sleep.


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lavendar essential oil