Pantang beliefs
So apparently I heard cannot go for weddings/baby bash/baby shower, cannot even hold a baby. I feel like being pantang n listening to the older folks can be exhausting but it's all "for our own good". What are other pantangs u know of?

some of them are not pantang and it's real. only people who experience it will listen every pantang. a strict no no in moving of the bed that created the baby. a strict no no to renovation or moving of stuff. i had a renovation at home and the contractor just start to drill my tummy hurts like hell and it stop instantly when I step out of the house outside the door.
Read morecannot use scissors and needle on the bed. that's one of the very first things my FIL said after our pregnancy announcement. and then a whole lot more of other pantangs. (yes, very exhausting to hear. it's never ending.)
Heard about that you can't cut hair or carry heavy things when pregnant
Cannot walk under a ladder (anytime)