Anyone here who had hyperthyroidism during pregnancy? I am 4 weeks pregnant, and my thyroid hormones were tested and it was higher than 5 points from the normal value. I am waiting for the endocrinologist to arrive at the clinic today so I can go there and get check up.
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I have low TSH test(hyperthyroidism) on my 1st tri, my OB referred me to an endo. They ask me to do some tests FT3 andFT4, and they are normal. And since I don't have any symptoms. They didn't give me meds yet. They want me undergo tests again now I'm on my 15 weeks to be sure. Then if its still looks like hyperthyroidism, there will be make mngt for me. The baby might suffer hypothyroidism.
Magbasa paAnonymous
3y ago
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