Hegen bottle
Anyone can share ur feedback on Hegen bottles?

personally i feel it is overrated as the bottle design makes it very hard to twist open especially when you have mummy thumb. theres also a specific way to position the parts which are not obvious and positioning incorrectly will cause spillage.
I have been using hegen bottles for more than nine months... So far, it is my most favourable bottle (easy to wash: wide neck, excellent material: PPSU high boiling point & not easy to break & easy to replace teat @different phases)
My LO loves it! I like it too because when she’s older, I can use it as her food containers and for now, I find it very easy to clean and transfer frozen EBM into it without any spillage.. :)
Heard good and quiet affordablw.. but was hoping they have nicer color ones.. like black or just clear transparent instead of looking like old fadded bottle milk color
Heard the teat is quite hard
Hagen bottle is alright
Heard not bad
Heard good