Absolutely normal but it's really really frustrating! I had the same issue when I was pregnant and I just couldn't sleep after that toilet visit around 3am. It got the worst for me third trimester. Sometimes I end up being awake till dawn :/ I don't check my phone too and just rest in bed even if I can't fall asleep. Hang in there! It went away after pregnancy for me.
Yes it is very common to get insomnia and frequent pee in the first trimester 😔. Had it for both of my pregnancies. It will get better though, hang in there! If the morning you feel too tired it's OK to drink a bit of tea or coffee as long as you don't exceed 1 cup a day.
Yup very normal. I'm still having trouble with sleep at 2nd trimester. I can sleep early and wake up an hr later. 3rd trimester will be worse. It's how your body is preparing you for all the late nights wake up once your baby is out
Yes! me too. took at least more than half an hour to go back to sleep. i just entered 6 week too
It is very normal and it last me even till my trimester 2.
thanks Mummies ❤️❤️❤️