anyone know if the money in our LO account can b withdraw out by parents?

Not possible to withdraw from CDA but u can charge yr toddler care childcare expenses to that account. Also when u go guardian pharmacy to purchase baby stuff, u can also charge to CDA account. Interest rate for CDA is 2% up to a certain limit, not very high but recommended as an alternative account to deposit some extra cash for yr baby's future.
Read moreMummy are you referring to your LO's CDA account or saving account? If CDA you can't withdraw for own use unless to pay for childcare, seeing doctor etc. If you means saving, then yes you can. You got to do it over the counter and fill in the form. Hope it helps=)
for the cda account the money can only be deducted at approved places so for cda only put in minimum then you set up another young saver account then most of the money put there if you need money draw from young saver that is how I play around with the system
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If you are referring to CDA account for baby bonus, money cannot be withdraw out. But can be used to nets on approved expenses like doctor visit, spectacles vaccinations etc.
Cda cannot be withdraw but saving acc can. The person who open the account with baby with be a joint account. Baby can't open on his own, so the open who open together can.
I believe you can. You will have to do it over the counter if I am not mistaken. But to avoid a wasted trip, you can call up and check first. :)
as long as u link ur LO to urs u can withdrawn anytime except cda no withdrawal oly deposit n payment
if u are referring to baby bonus.... cannot... but if u are referring to saving ac... can...
cda cannot. normal savings if u are the appointed trustee when u open the account, u can.