thought I was the only one and I can totally relate to this! I do tend to scratch my v especially when I sleep (can't help it sometimes) so last 2 weeks, I went for brazilian waxing (I'm at 39 weeks now) which helped alot as I think the itchiness partially came from the rough short hairs poking at each other. I didn't shave my below anymore as I noticed it just made the itchiness alot worst. Trying getting yourself Brazilian waxing! I also change my pad every now and then because of the discharge. I would recommend putting coconut oil as well as mentioned above.
Because of hormonal changes and body let out vaginal discharges that has pH imbalance hence mummies may feel dry, itchy, redness, odour, greenish, etc. So you should speak with your gynae, get a cream and apply. Avoid steroid, stop using whatever moisturizer and feminine wash. Use silk panties and stop using pantyliner. Use this method for time being and go speak with your gynae. Nothing to be shy or worried about because most mummies will have it. If you don't then when can your vaginal area get better.
Not recommended to use feminine wash actually as it will dryout and alter our vagina’s PH. Which may make it more irritated. Best to go to gynae they will check if you have any infection. Dont be shy with gynae, just have a mindset whereby theyve seen thousands of different vaginas😂 and not shaving is perfectly normal. I also go gynae never shave
My gynae also don’t recommend washing with feminine wash. She recommend just using water is fine.
Gynae prescribes me cream to apply after applying few time, I don’t feel itchy anymore.
Apply coconut oil do not scratch it works well