cyst in vagina during pregnancy
hi anyone has cyst during pregnancy? but gynae said its a normal cyst and nothing to worry about cause not painful,no bleeding or any mucus discharge. just wanna know if anyone has experience the same before. baby doing fine, moving a lot at 12weeks.

I've two ovarian cysts and unfortunately, it's not the type that will go away when pregnancy progresses cos mine are still there on my 3rd appt. gynae said it wouldn't affect the pregnancy. I don't feel anything about it too. she only told me if I'm doing natural birth, I can get it removed 3 months after birth via keyhole surgery. if I've to do c sect for my delivery, they will remove it altogether. there's nth to worry about so no need to be stressed! :)
Read moreI had bleeding at wk 13, went to A&E n see my gynae, bb was fine, active with strong heart beat. Gynae gave me hormone jab n pills to eat and monitor. 2 days later I saw her again cause the bleeding didn't stop, so she did a more in depth exam and found a small polyp in the vagina that was bleeding, removed immediately and bleeding stop. My bb is doing well up to date 😊
Read moredoc said both ovaries are fine. the small cyst is at the vagina. so unless bleeding or have mucus discharge den it might pop.on its own otherwise its fine wont affect baby. thanks for sharing ur experience ladies 😊😊
Hi there, I have a cyst in my left ovary. Gynae said it’s harmless so just leave it alone.. I’m now at week 18ish, I do feel a bit of discomfort there but since it’s manageable, I just ignored it.