Constipation Woes
Anyone has any constipation remedies to share? I’ve been introducing more fruits and vegetables into my diet but they don’t seem to help :(

LactoGG probiotics worked best for me. Used to take others but not as effective. So KKH recommended I take this. Prunes work but it’s temporary. It makes me poop for the day or the day after, but once you stop, the constipation comes back. And i wouldn’t recommend too much prunes cause it’s high sugar content
Read moreFruits and vegetables doesn’t help my constipation as well. Eat probiotics! There are pregnancy safe probiotics you can find online and retail. I’m eating this - option: mom (
Read moreI eat dried prunes and take vivomixx probiotics. So far they have helped!
Prune juice! It helps with the constipation
agree with prune! worked wonders for me