Use of straw bottle for 14 month old
Can anyone give pointers on how you helped LO to drink from straw ??

Hello Prithika I started when my baby was 10 months old. Hope your baby already is used to feeding bottle. Then it might be slightly easier I think. I first demonstrated by keeping the straw close to my mouth and doing that sucking action. Then I gave it to my daughter and she tried. For the initial few days it is just few ml that they take in. But gradually they will get used to it and drink 100-150 ml per day. I used the Avent stage 1 straw cup with the handle which will be easy for kids to hold and drink. Once they have can drink easily you can move to Stage 2 without the handle and bigger one.
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I second the use of richell straw cup. Tried teaching my kid to suck for a long time but just couldn’t do it until I used the Richell straw cup! She learnt how to in one minute.

I use Richell straw cup (with the push function) when LO is 6mo, then I switched to straw water bottle. Maybe you can try that or consider training to drink from cup.
Mother of 1 adventurous princess !