4 Replies

yes, it was a real challenge for me when I had it. My colleagues were understanding but I tried to excuse myself to lunch alone sometimes so that I can have healthier lunch options without sugar level spiking or pack lunch back to office. Had to bite the bullet for the sake of the baby. Just remind yourself it'll be over soon. all the best!

I still eat with colleagues but limit my choice of food. Example I’ll get western meal (chicken chop) with 2 side dishes of veg. Try to stack more protein n fats rather than carbs. I find that it helps

Have you considered packing lunch and bringing it to the office? If your colleagues don’t eat in restaurants, you’ll likely be allowed to take your food with you and still join them

Try to eat healthy, pack a sandwich and monitor what you eat. sometimes it's hard to control our diet but we must try !

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