hi parents I'm just diagnosed with GD. so upset. controlled my diet still failed my gd test. i had it during my first pregnancy. Dr said tt if the mum has gd, baby will have diabetes liver kidney etc problems..so worried now..isit my fault for not controlling my diet even more???:(

Hey mummy! Please don’t be so hard on yourself. Gestational diabetes is not uncommon during pregnancy and the cause of it is not clear. Some people may be at a higher risk of developing it. It was found that the risk may be higher if one: - Is over the age of 25 when becoming pregnant - Is overweight before becoming pregnant - Has pre-diabetes before becoming pregnant - Has a family history of diabetes - Has high blood pressure - Had a previous pregnancy in which one: - Had an unexplained miscarriage or stillbirth - Gave birth to a baby who weighed over 4 kg While there may be potential complications for the baby (because the baby is likely to store the excess sugar from the nutrients he/she is getting from your blood as fat) as the baby may be larger than normal. Some complications include: - Injuries during delivery because of the baby's size - Low blood sugar and mineral levels at birth - Jaundice, a treatable condition that makes the skin yellowish - Pre-term birth - Temporary breathing problems You may find these articles useful in understanding the condition better: http://www.webmd.com/baby/gestational-diabetes-you http://www.healthxchange.com.sg/healthyliving/womenhealth/Pages/Gestational-Diabetes-High-Blood-Sugar-in-Pregnancy.aspx Don’t be too caught up with these potential complications, I think your doctor is just giving you the information for reference. For now, you can focus on keeping to a balanced and healthy diet, keeping active, going for your check-ups regularly, keep track of your blood sugar and take medication (if required). Try not to dwell on this and keep yourself happy and relaxed. Take care!
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Read moreI chanced upon this mommy blog (link below) and she too felt guilty because of her gestational diabetes but she later realise that there is nothing that can stop your cells developing insulin resistance from the hormones made by the placenta. There are many women who develop insulin resistance and GD who do not show any risk factors -- they watch their diet, have healthy weight. In short, you just have no control over how your cells respond to your pregnancy hormones. Research suggest that most pregnant women will develop some insulin resistance because of the increase in pregnancy hormones. However, for many women the pancreas is able to produce enough insulin to maintain stable blood sugar levels so it does not develop into GD. On the flip side, some women don't and it's really not anyone's fault, especially if you have kept a healthy lifestyle thus far. Hang in there! http://birthwithoutfearblog.com/2013/06/24/the-truth-about-gestational-diabetes-and-why-its-not-your-fault/
Read moreEven without GD exposure, any baby can get diabetes in future. There are also many GD babies who don’t have diabetes in future. GD during pregnancy is caused by hormones and the placenta has a part to play. Just do what your Gynae says and everything will be ok. After birth, as the baby grows, make sure your kid has good eating habits. We will get through this!
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