Breastmilk causing spit ups

Anybody's baby spit up a lot more after feeding breastmilk and spit up less when fed formula milk. Just checking if I am the only one facing this. Baby 1mth 16 days and if I feed her purely breastmilk or feed more than 4 times of breastmilk per day, she will become restless during her sleep, cry a lot and spit up more than 10ml of milk. She doesn't spit up or cry as much when we feed her formula milk. I am not sure if it is because there is something wrong with my breastmilk. Currently feeling like a failure and guilty because family is questioning the quality it my breastmilk. Thinking if I should just feed only formula

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Update: I've found out that it isn't because baby spit up more or is restless after drinking my breastmilk. She is just hungry more often and hence would cry angrily(because I didn't know she's hungry) , which leads to her spitting up. Now that we feed her every hour, she's fine and drinking well