Any tips on what to do during weekends as a family now that there is a baby in the house, especially those with toddler & baby. Thanks.

We have one 5 and one 2.5 yo. We do a lot of outdoor activities when the weather is well. We go for walks, swims, kite flying, cycling, etc. we like to go library once a month to borrow books for both. We don't bring them to indoor playground as I find it too crowded and too much germs. They will take some kiddy rides in the malls if we go grocery shoppings. Basically, both my tod are able to entertain themselves and everywhere is fun coz we are going out.
Read moreHow young is your toddler and baby? For me, I have a 3.5 years old preschooler and 7 months baby. We normally bring the preschoolers to park or playground with water/sand plays, animals farm, indoor playground to use up her energy during sunny day. On rainy days, we do simple experience with baking soda, vinegar, Color dye etc.
Read moreVisit to the library, Zoo, River Safari, Marina Barrage, Gardens by the Bay, Bird Park, Sentosa, Downtown East, shopping malls in all areas of SG, indoor playground, swimming at a condo pool, house hopping to friends' premises, road trips to Malaysia
Swimming, walk in the park, picnic at botanical gardens, brunch with friends with kids the same age...
Strolling , park , gardens .. Go to those places with fresh air will be good for their development .
Swimming, going to the zoo, bird parks and other attraction places :)
Mum of 2 squirts