Any mummies facing their LO wanting to latch non stop at night to sleep. My LO is 5 months old. Thinking that he is asleep after latching for an hour.. I unlatch him and he wakes up immediately. Tried pacifiers, but he can't seem to keep it in his mouth and that frustrated him even more. I need advice pls.. My back is killing me from latching all night long! Thanks!!

Perhaps you can try tanking your baby up with breastmilk in the day. Babies love to breastfeed and in the day, mommy might be so busy that she forgets to nurse. When bedtime nears, and you ready your baby for sleep, your breasts are inches away and accessible and baby wants to make up for missed daytime nursings - a common occurence in working moms. Finding more time to nurse during the day may make the night weaning easier.
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you can try to nurse while lying down, that way you get to rest (n slp) while LO gets to nurse n snuggle. My LO was like that too at 4-5 mths, he doesnt take pacifier too.
Always ensure baby is not given small pieces of food, rather chunks f carrots, brocolli or even apples.