Any fans of Organic Baby milk formula here? Any recommendations on local / imported brands in SG. Heard Topfer is good.

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I am giving my son who is 2.5 years old Bellamy organic stage 3. He was breastfed until 2 years old. Personally I like the taste of the milk and he accepts it very well, from the transition of breastmilk to formula milk. I choose Bellamy as it is organic and easily available in Singapore. I don't mind to pay a little bit more to let my children to drink organic milk. I purchase my FM from What I like about ordering through this website: - I can accumulate points to have cash rebates: 1dollar=1point - Free delivery above $80 - Very fast services as I normally receive the FM on the next day through courier.

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My friend, who's a huge proponent for organic ingredients, uses HiPP for her baby. They have different kinds for different age group eg HiPP 2 is for babies 6 months and above and HiPP 3 is for toddlers etc. Every time she flies back to Singapore, she'll stock up on them. It's about 17SGD.

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Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-1999)

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We used Bellamy's organic when I started needing to supplement breastmilk.

Never seen this before. Only seen hipp, holle, and Bellamy.
