flapping hands indicate autism?
After reading an article... it said that if a child enjoys flapping hands (repetitive hitting movements), it's one of the signs of autism. Is that true... I sometimes see my child doing movements like that. But he's only 7 months old? People around me say not to worry too much because he's still a baby and still exploring his motor skills. But as a mother, I'm really worried. Any advice or anyone have similar experiences?

i'd agree on not worrying too much. my baby did that alot at 6-7 months too. i believe autism can only be detected when they are at least a year old. they are only at a stage where they are exploring their motor skills. this will eventually go off soon. if it persists and there are other symptoms you believe that leads to suspecting to autism, you may bring this up to the PD during their checkups.
Read moreMy child is autistic (firstborn) And it’s more apparent when she turned one. Just keep monitoring his reactions, his eye contact and his responses to calling his name. I cn see a huge difference when i have my second and thirdborn. When i had my first, and as a first time mom, i always thought i should give her more time. But sometimes its not always autism. It could just be delays.
Read moreMy baby also does this i used to worry alot but i just believe theyre still young and exploring their body movements. So far he still has good eye contact and know when we call his name
My kid does tt a lot too, and many parents would also say the same thing. Autism isn't diagnosed with 1 symptom. Don't overthink it, babies are usually just doing their thing
autism can't be diagnosed so young. and having one sign doesn't put your child on the spectrum. many babies flap their hands and most of these babies are not autistic.
These aren’t only symptoms to confirm. Please talk to your PD while development checking.