When to buy breast pump?
Is it advisable to buy breast pump in advance (while you are still in second trimester)? I thought of using the year end promo sales to buy it. But one elder adviced against it saying it depends on how much milk I will be having. If too less then breast pump is not needed. How long will we be breastfeeding usually? Btw I'm not working currently. Will be getting back to work force after the baby is 5-6 months. So for SAHM is breast pump needed? Sorry if this sounds dumb. I'm a first trimer.

I’m a exclusively pumping mum! I bought my pump after giving birth. I borrowed pumps from cousin before giving birth and use that till I get my own pump. Initially wanted to direct latch, but decided to pump instead. In your case, it depends on how long u want to bf! Can’t really say for sure. Also depends on your baby if he/she can latch! You can also pump even with direct latching. I would suggest to borrow or get a cheap secondhand pump first in case, then u can decide on whether u want to direct latch or exclusively pumping. And how long u want to bf. Cause bf can be very tiring. Some mums stop at 6th month. Then getting an expensive pump will be a waste
Read moreDepends on whether you want to fully breastfeed or not and also how long you want to breastfeed. I'm a sahm and did not even buy a breastpump. I'm 29 weeks pregnant. I intend to breastfeed my baby till 1-2 yrs old so I only bought a Haakaa which collects your letdowns then I'll store my milk and also bottlefeed. You can see their reviews in IG - haakaanz I ever bought a manual pump for my 3rd born but I end up not using it and just latch. But since you intend to go to work force again, no harm to buy 1 so you can pump out your milk at work too.
Read moreI will wait till I give birth then. Depending on how much milk I can latch I'll think about buying the pump. Thanks mommy for the advice 😊
Okay - I usually buy my breast pump before delivery. I like to get used to it. I actually pumped prior to delivery like, a couple of weeks before my EDD - not full pumping sessions but to get used to the suction and the cups and introduce my body to it. I haven’t read any research behind this but it worked for me. And I dont like rushing out to buy a breast pump once baby’s here because really, I just need wanted to spend time on other things like recovery and baby :)
Read moreThanks! You have a good point too. But one of my concerns is if it's a must to have breast pump. I was thinking so until I posted this 😀
I got a breast pump 2 day after I give birth. you can get a haakaa to collect milk first. I'm 20 months into breastfeeding journey, there won't be not enough milk breastfeeding journey need hard work and perseverance. breastfeeding has never been my priority but once you get that closeness it make me goes on and on and still breastfeeding now. if you need tips on breastfeeding feel free to DM me at my IG @mummyjlife
Read moreSure I'll check out Haakaa pumps. Also will reach out to you on IG if I need advice. Thanks Mommy 😊
A little anxious, a lot excited