Breast pump

When should I get breast pump? I will be doing my confinement in a confinement centre, they advise me not to buy it first, same as my friend coz they said it depends on everyone’s condition some may not have much milk for their first pregnancy… Should I get one? What is the recommended brands and models? I would love to feed my LO with breast milk… Is there any way to boost lactation?#firsttimemom #breastpump #breastmilk #lactation

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I would get one on standby because not every one is blessed with good supply (like me🥲). At least if baby is still not full from latching (or if we still dk how to latch well), at the very least they can still syringe feed baby your pumped out bm. However don’t need to stress, you can still formula feed baby while you build up your supply. Don’t need to stress over it, the more you stress the worse the supply :) I am using babyexpress bemine for early days, then BeFree (handsfree) after that. Also, do remember to get the lactation consultant to measure your flange size (to get flange inserts). Drink more water and soups, don’t skip feeds/pumps sessions (if baby sleep past your feeding/pump session, you can either pump or hand express, don’t stress. 😊 If you’re not blessed with good supply from the start, don’t feel dejected. Your supply will eventually go up as long as you pump and latch regularly.

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1y ago

Yes, however I can’t advise you on that since I’m only using babyexpress~