When to buy breast pump?

Is it advisable to buy breast pump in advance (while you are still in second trimester)? I thought of using the year end promo sales to buy it. But one elder adviced against it saying it depends on how much milk I will be having. If too less then breast pump is not needed. How long will we be breastfeeding usually? Btw I'm not working currently. Will be getting back to work force after the baby is 5-6 months. So for SAHM is breast pump needed? Sorry if this sounds dumb. I'm a first trimer.

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I got a breast pump 2 day after I give birth. you can get a haakaa to collect milk first. I'm 20 months into breastfeeding journey, there won't be not enough milk breastfeeding journey need hard work and perseverance. breastfeeding has never been my priority but once you get that closeness it make me goes on and on and still breastfeeding now. if you need tips on breastfeeding feel free to DM me at my IG @mummyjlife

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3y ago

Sure I'll check out Haakaa pumps. Also will reach out to you on IG if I need advice. Thanks Mommy 😊