baby being antisocial
My 9M LO seems to not like socializing with babies around her age. She freaks out and cries when they touch her (or bump into her by mistake). Is this common? Prefers to play with adults or by herself. But she seems okay with her elder cousin who is 2.5yrs old. Hmm..??
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Super Mum
Perfectly normal:) stranger anxiety is very strong at this age. Don’t need to force her to socialise. She’s happier with familiar faces. The kids also start playing alongside other kids at 1-2yo, but only start playing with other peers when they’re older maybe 3-4yo
Hi, Don't worry about this as this is very normal in kids of this age as they get little anxiety from unfamiliar faces. I suggest do not force the baby on this and let it happen ta its own pace
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