Struggling with my 9 month old not wanting to eat
My 9 month old baby just doesn’t seem interested in eating proper meals. I’ve been offering her different purees like pumpkin, broccoli, carrot, and potato, but she only takes 2-3 bites before shutting her lips tight. I’ve also tried offering her porridge, she doesn’t seem interested too.. Interestingly, when I offer her biscuits, she eats them without a problem. Because of this, I’ve stopped offering her meals recently since it feels like such a waste of time with all the prep and cleanup. Is it okay that I’ve stopped offering her meals for now? Has anyone else experienced this?

My LO was like this too until she went to school (2.5yo). Maybe due to peer pressure, she starts to eat better now (3yo) and can even finish more rice than me. Before she entered school, almost every meal prepared for her ends up in the bin, I offer her a variety of foods with different textures etc, even explored different cuisines, get pretty cutlery and bring her to people’s house to eat with other kids, no means no. She would rather drink her milk. But yes, her own baby snacks no reject. So I gave up, I’ll just cook our adult meals then seperate a portion for her, if she wants to try she can take it from her own bowl else the bowl sits there untouched then offer milk afterwards. I’m not a good cook (but not hell cook) so having to rack my brains to whip different foods to get a hit is damn exhausting for me.
Read moreHi! My daughter was the same, but gradually, after 12 months, she started showing more interest in food. We made sure she had her milk afterward to keep her satisfied. We consistently offered her food and used a combination of BLW and spoon-feeding. Now, at 15 months, she always asks for food and can even eat independently. There are still some days when she doesn’t eat much, but we just follow her cues. You’re doing an amazing job, mummy!
Read moreI had experienced the same with my 1st born. Just make sure his intake of milk will be proper atleast he can get enough of nutrition. I can totally feel you mommy. Try to eat with your kid they will see you and learn from you . Don’t feed any snacks atleast 2hrs before meal so that they feel hungry and eat what ever you give . I think it’s good if you introduce fresh fruits than biscuits. This age main intake will be only milk.
Read morehi , I'm experiencing the exact same with my 17month old. he prefers snacks more than other foods. I will try my best to feed him the food I prepare and after he takes a few bites and refuse to eat then offer him snacks to prevent him from hunger.. I also tried preparing foods like snacks it works for me. example making pancake with just egg and banana, boil potatoes and cut into the shape of fries etc
Read moreYup. 14 months now on and off have the food strike phase! JUST went thru it againnn. Really reject all food! Will keep mouth shut or will spit out, no matter what texture BUT puff must go on😂 all day everyday puff. So during that phase i just give puff, whatever that he can eat
How about trying to let her do some BLW? Since she likes to hold the biscuits. Can start of with toasted bread, most babies like. Then pancakes etc
tough with my kids too... just have to keep at it as much as possible... flexibility
Mother Of A Prince💙 and expecting a princess💜