Baby crying nonstop from 7pm to 12am
Hi, my 6 weeks old baby always cry from 7pm to 12am everyday for almost a week. No matter what we do (pat him, rock him, carry him walking around the house, sing song etc) he just can't stop crying. Yesterday i finally snapped and yelled at him bcz I really don't know what he wants with all these crying. Any mummy facing the same issue and how do u solve this?

Hi mummy, sounds like it’s a very difficult time for you and please take care of yourself and jiayou!! I had similar experience with my first born previously, he was a fussy baby who didn’t like to sleep and always cried. I think it could be a growth spurt phase that baby is going through, which then I think nothing much really helps and just got to rough it out. If it’s colic, can try to carry baby a different way (upright with his stomach lying on your chest/stomach) to encourage burping. If really nothing else works, I’d suggest just roping in help from hubby or whoever is staying with u to take turns and carry crying baby until he has soothed down. If nobody to help, then just leave baby in safe place (eg cot) for a while when u feel like u are at breaking point and need a break for your sanity (just let baby cry while u cool down, I know as mummies we feel guilty doing this but actually it is really ok!!) Hope that your baby will get better soon. Jiayou and stay strong!
Read morehello mummy, you’re not alone. imo, just try all the possibilities and i’m sure you’ll find a solution/routine for him. perhaps he just doesn’t want to turn in for the night yet. talk to him and tell him that it’s night time and he needs to sleep already. maybe try changing diapers again? try feeding again? try giving pacifier again? try wiping him down? turn on white noise? turn on the AC? let him wind down by laying on your bed first? try making the room dark and no lights? there was once my lo was crying so badly and i thought it was his milk time. but actually he just wanted his pacifier and get cradled to sleep. babies are just so unpredictable. just trial and error for everything you know and can do! you’ll soon find his pattern. jiayou!
Read morethanks. we tried everything & will still keep trying. it is just too tiring to see him cry so hard and not being able to understand his needs. suspect he has colic too, this could be the reason.
Hi dear, my baby is 2 months old yesterday and day before she was doing the same, we went to nuh A&E, dr checked everything and said no problem But maybe it’s colic, so gave ridwind and it helped her, she doesn’t cry much now She was crying in a way that she is in pain Not the milk cry, not the sleeping cry but really pain cry I hope you can try to find out the type of his cry and/or try giving ridwind and see if it helps then you can know for sure it’s gas FYI I normally do tummy massage, tummy exercise, feet reflexology/massage, apply telon oil to my baby and yet she had so much gas that is inside her So better to give medicine to help babies coz the only way to communicate is by crying
Read morethanks mummy, will try our best to take care of him. hope he gets over this phase soon. u do take care too.
I understand cause we are facing the same thing. Now I’m afraid of the night fall. My baby would sleep for about 10mins, then wake up and cry. It usually goes on for an hour or two. Sometimes contact napping in the dark seems to soothe her. Hopefully this phase shall pass as quickly as possible. It gives me heartache to see her crying.
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